Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Daily Blog? Daily?

A daily blog? It makes sense. I wouldn’t have to email everyone each time I post an entry.

A daily blog? Potentially boring. While my family does have awesome adventures, sometimes we just stay in pajamas and do nothing all day. That’s cute – once. Each subsequent time, it’s just boring. Eventually, the frequency becomes embarrassing. Worse, we do occasionally have a terrible day and, while that may be interesting, I just want to go to sleep at the end of terrible days. I really don’t want to write it all down and post it for everyone (the six people who read this blog) to see.

I must also consider that I don’t really do anything else daily. Well, I do basic survival maintenance: eat, sleep, pee. Other than that, I have a list of things I’d LIKE to do daily, but don’t.

- Eat dinner – that I have cooked - with the whole family at the table. This is part of my “SuperMom” fantasy. The reality is that I only cook on the nights that I have remembered to thaw the meat, arrived home before 4:30, managed to stop at the store for that one essential ingredient, slept well the night before and therefore am well rested and – here’s the big obstacle – already washed yesterday's dinner dishes. This amazing convergence of circumstances is rare.

- Shower. When I shower, I want to wash and condition my hair. With the leave-in conditioner that actually works. I want to shave everything. I want to exfoliate my face and scrub my feet. This takes half an hour! In the morning I’d rather sleep. At night I’d rather read. Don’t be grossed out. I DO shower. Just not daily.

- Poop. This was not on my list a few years ago. I used to never pay any attention to poop. Then I had kids and was completely consumed with concern for their bowel health. Once they had the whole #2 thing down, I started noticing the complete lack of regularity of my own bowels. Discomfort! Odd noises! How many carrots did I eat!?!? Now, at the end of the day, I count a normal BM – if I’ve had one - among my blessings, along with my beautiful children and handsome husband.

- Exercise. Just kidding! It would be nice to want to exercise daily. I know that I should exercise daily. But I don’t actually want to exercise daily. I want to exercise never.

If I commit to a daily blog, then showering, exercising and family dinners are slightly less likely to occur. And I don’t think blogging effects digestion.

If I don’t do the blog daily, then nobody (you six) will ever remember the website address, and I will have to alert you each time I update. But I guess that wouldn’t be the end of the world.

Any suggestions? Add a comment below.


  1. You actually blogged about poop. GROSSENING!!! But you did it with style.
    I am posting anonymously...hmm, how appropriate.

  2. If I have time to play at least one game of Mah-Jongg daily, you might have time to blog daily. It may be a great stress reliever. The poop may stress others that don't or do so exessively. The Deseret News has a homemaker blogger on the net. You could do that and make up your own name. But you probably wouldn't want to mention your own BM's. The newspaper will give me away. I wouldn't subscribe to it, but I read it online.
